Current date/time is Tue Oct 01, 2024 1:35 pm

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  • Topics
  • 20230411
    The public fallout and Brand destruction of "Bud Light" beer continues, with Internet meme's and all sorts of public criticism. Sales, though, show the facts: Stunning LOSS of customers, nationwide.

    Old News Archives Members Only Budlig10

    Americans are saying this is racist and should be removed from stores!

    by Admin - Comments: 0 - Views: 22
  • 20230411
    oh boy looks like the cats out of the bag on this story

    Old News Archives Members Only M192010

    by Admin - Comments: 0 - Views: 67
  • 20230402
    Russia has adopted a new foreign policy strategy in which the West is declared an "existential" threat to Russia.

    Developing . . .

    Russia’s new foreign policy strategy adopted by President Vladimir Putin on Friday identified China and India as main allies on the world stage.

    The new 42-page document singled out ties with China and India, stressing the importance of “the deepening of ties and coordination with friendly sovereign global centers of power and development located on the Eurasian continent.”

    We have just this minute...

    by Admin - Comments: 0 - Views: 76
  • 20230402
    The White House today publicly told Americans residing in, or traveling in Russia, to "Leave Russia Immediately."

    Here's the White House Statement:


    Old News Archives Members Only White_10

    by Admin - Comments: 0 - Views: 71
  • 20230402

    The New York Young Republican Club has issued a statement responding to the indictment of President Donald Trump, saying, “This is Total War.”

    The club warned that the indictment has sent our nation “careening toward tyranny at an unprecedented pace.”

    “Today, our nation careens toward tyranny at an unprecedented pace,” the statement began. “An impudent cabal of radical figures abandons all propriety in their dogged attacks on President Donald J. Trump. We have taken a decisive step away from the values that define our national...

    by Admin - Comments: 0 - Views: 78
  • 20230402
    The Trans-Gendered Freaks have CANCELLED their "Day of Vengeance" scheduled for tomorrow, April 1, at the US Supreme Court building in Washington, DC. Organizers cite "astronomical amounts of hate" as the reason for cancelling.

    It probably didn't help that one of their freakazoids murdered a bunch of Christian School Children in Nashville, TN the other day

    by Admin - Comments: 0 - Views: 43
  • 20230329
    SHS is going after Big Tech.

    Arkansas Governor Sarah Huckabee Sanders announced on Tuesday that state officials plan to file a lawsuit against Big Tech titans TikTok, Facebook, and Instagram (Meta) for using their algorithms to push addictive content targeted at children.

    “The governor’s office said the lawsuits would fall under the state’s Deceptive Trade Practices Act, prohibiting unfair or deceptive acts or practices in or affecting commerce,” The Daily Wire reports.

    “We have to hold Big Tech companies accountable for pushing addictive...

    by Admin - Comments: 0 - Views: 64
  • 20230329
    For literally decades, people scoffed-at "conspiracy theorists" talk about the US Dollar collapsing. They laughed at "the tin foil hat crowd" when it screamed from the rooftops that rampant over-spending would kill our currency. The responses to the conspiracy theorists and tin-foil-hat-crowd was simple: "The dollar is the world's reserve currency; the world can't do without it." Turns out, the responses were wrong.

    Within the past 24 hours, far left-wing CNN and far right-wing FOX NEWS have both begun airing stories about "De-Dollarization."...

    by Admin - Comments: 0 - Views: 55
  • 20230329
    The United States Embassy in Jerusalem has told Americans to "Leave Israel Immediately." The country of Israel is descending rapidly into what some have called "Civil War."

    Unions have gone on strike. The airports have all shut down. Restaurants, banks, shopping malls, have all joined in a national strike against proposed changes to the government that would basically gut the Judiciary of Israel.

    Members of the Israeli military are openly DESERTING after Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu FIRED the Defense Minister for opposing judicial reforms.

    by Admin - Comments: 0 - Views: 46
  • 20230329
    Russia's Strategic Missile Forces began WHAT THEY SAY are planned exercises involving the Yars mobile nuclear intercontinental ballistic missile systems, Russia's defense ministry said minutes ago (11:06 PM EDT on Tuesday, 28 March 2023)

    "In total, more than 3,000 military personnel and about 300 pieces of equipment are involved in the exercises," the defense ministry said in a statement on the Telegram messaging app.

    Each YARS missile carries of nuclear warhead with a yield of 800 kilotons.

    by Admin - Comments: 0 - Views: 43
  • 20230329
    Updated: Family has Agree to get Brain help with his porn addictions we do not know if the D.A will file charges at this time however I do advise parents to keep there child away from this man he is a very sick person the video I am attaching to this story

    Old News Archives Members Only 20230310

    Brain 54 was caught with over 200 child porn he downloaded off...

    by Admin - Comments: 0 - Views: 83
  • 20230325
    An expert advisor on drug use and overdose deaths is urging New York and U.S. states to pass legislation to authorize supervised injection sites, dissuading concerns on the need to wait for clearer federal guidelines.

    Members of New York's Assembly Health Committee narrowly advanced legislation this week that would pave the way for the state to license community-based organizations to operate safe injection sites, also known as overdose prevention centers. The centers allow people with substance abuse disorder to use illegal drugs they've previously obtained in front of health staff...

    by Admin - Comments: 0 - Views: 71
  • 20230325
    Old News Archives Members Only Aiden_10

    Aiden Fucci a known Child killer wo murdered a 13 yr old girl back in 2021 this bastard lowered her into the woods and stabbed her 114 times the damage he done to this little girl is sicking since he couldnt get the death penalty because of his age and at the time of the crime he was a minor he was sentenced to life in prison.

    Owners Comments The mug shot you see is him cube ball head and new fancy prison clothes I hope to god this guy knows he will never ever see the...

    by Admin - Comments: 0 - Views: 80
  • 20230321
    The owner will be out with the flu for a week

    Please note I will be taking over for now

    Please remember to act accordingly.

    by Admin (D) - Comments: 0 - Views: 38
  • 20230321
    Share this story

    by Admin (D) - Comments: 0 - Views: 58
  • 20230321

    by Admin - Comments: 0 - Views: 59
  • 20230321
    This video is part of the plan to get America back on track

    by Admin - Comments: 0 - Views: 67
  • 20230316
    MEXICO CITY, March 16 (Reuters) - Greater quantities of synthetic opioid fentanyl directly enter the United States and Canada than Mexico, Mexico's president said on Thursday, pushing back against U.S. criticism of his record on cracking down on trafficking in the lethal drug.

    A powerful painkiller, fentanyl has been blamed for fueling a surge in U.S. drug overdoses, and some Republican lawmakers have urged Washington to authorize the use of military force in Mexico to bring the country's drug gangs to heel.

    Last month Anne Milgram, head of the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration...

    by Admin - Comments: 0 - Views: 43
  • 20230316
    Old News Archives Members Only VP5YCZBQ4RIS5FXBOOVJDSUQWM

    El Salvador's government moved thousands of suspected gang members to a newly opened "mega prison" on Friday, the latest step in a controversial crackdown on crime that has caused the Central American nation's prison population to soar.

    "This will be their new home, where they won't be able to do any more harm to the population,"...

    by Admin - Comments: 0 - Views: 52
  • 20230227
    This story is about a sex offender who thought he was gonna meet a boy but instead met up with Detroit ped Patrol and was detained by Sheriff deputy but the Sheriff deputy let him know right off the bat how he felt about chomo and he wasn't afraid to say it.

    I despise these assholes too I never liked them and never will my problem is we can put these guys on the sex offender registry but what really good about it? nothing the only reason...

    by Admin - Comments: 1 - Views: 55
  • 20230315
    No More nickoling and Diming

    We had enough of there bull shit after two years of taking advantage of senior citizen and taking money they need for there pension we said fuck you Spectrum Cable.

    People need to stop the draining of spectrum wallet grudging and put an end to it once and for all like we did next will be there internet if they keep up the bull shit.

    Every fucking year seniors get a raise in there pension checks and these bastards take that money away from them its a crying shame that these fuck heads only care about your wallet and not you as a person...

    by Admin - Comments: 0 - Views: 37
  • 20230311
    Share this store on your social media page plz
    If you have spectrum cable your not gonna be happy
    Spectrum cable sent us a notice increases of services including the package deal

    I am told this will take effect this coming billing cycle.

    For years I've been telling you to get rid of the people but if your stupid enough to keep them and keep getting screwed without Vaseline then you deserve what you get .

    Internet may also increase t sometimes this summer so expect that including your digital phone and mobile phone also.

    by Admin (D) - Comments: 0 - Views: 48
  • 20230309
    It was a morning of Democrats bullying the press.

    During Thursday’s House Judiciary Committee hearing on the “Twitter Files,” Democrat Reps. Stacey Plaskett (D-Virgin islands) and Sylvia Garcia (D-TX) badgered journalist Matt Taibbi to reveal the sources of his internal Twitter information —but the former Rolling Stone journalist wouldn’t budge.

       Sourcing was a sensitive subject as it had already come up during the hearing when Taibbi was asked directly about it regarding his reporting on internal Twitter communications and accusations...

    by Admin - Comments: 0 - Views: 44
  • 20230309
    Rochester, N.Y. — A man faces charges following a shooting on the city's northwest side last month.

    Police said Lamont Valion, 45, shot a man in his 40s on Locust Street Feb. 17.

    Investigators determined the victim was "in or near a vehicle" and "was able to escape the vehicle several blocks away." Police found him at the intersection of Smith and Verona streets. He had serious but non-life-threatening injuries.

    Valion, who was on probation for a 2022 rape conviction, was arrested Wednesday when he reported for a probation appointment.

    by Admin - Comments: 0 - Views: 32
  • 20230309
    As of Yesterday Hulu which is owned by Disney has kicked off the Nazi Channel ABC after they refuse to make a deal to keep there channels on the air the Nazi channel who support the Nazi Democrats elected into office who also support boys becoming transgenders and girls becoming boys which is a sick thing to me however and I don't agree with either plus have also caused race war between black and white and also cause police officers to be killed .

    Plus ABC is a known racist media group who also call people with mental disability retards plus to remind you all they only support Hitler...

    by Admin - Comments: 0 - Views: 32
  • 20230309
    Old News Archives Members Only Derail10
    Yet another freight train has derailed in the United States; this one in Oklahoma. Thankfully, no apparent injuries or Hazmat Leakage.

    #Oklahoma yep, that's called the #trainderailment..
    — Arthur Morgan (@ArthurM40330824) March 8, 2023

    by Admin - Comments: 0 - Views: 34
  • 20230309
    Wednesday evening here on the east coast of the United States, word began coming in at about 8:30 PM EST that an utterly massive missile attack by Russia had begun hitting Ukraine. All reports are now confirmed. Russia appears to have launched the largest missile attack to date since hostilities began a year ago.

    It began with Air Raid alerts in much of central Ukraine

    Minutes later, confirmation that 6-7 Tu-22M Strategic Bombers reported Airborne over the Sea of Azov. Air launched cruise missiles became the worry.

    It quickly became clear that Russia was using...

    by Admin - Comments: 0 - Views: 47
  • 20230309
    That's right Greece police has been plagued with a ton of smash and grabs leading to major felonies and grand larceny charges for over a year now. police are asking if you know who these hoodlums are to please contact them at once

    Stores and vehicles have been hit and a ton of burglaries and break in's

    here are the following hoodlums.

    Sticky fingers number one the these four gangsters are wanted for stealing $107.00 worth of items and did not render payment instead they think there not gonna get caught well guess what were posting your photo and guess what ? when...

    by Admin - Comments: 2 - Views: 54
  • 20230309
    Old News Archives Members Only Images11Old News Archives Members Only Images12Old News Archives Members Only Images13
    Does anyone remember back in April of 1978 in Rochester N.y a mafia hit took place?

    I do I remember hearing a major boom when I was with my father at his work loading his truck for the next day delivery to the stores in Rochester Buffalo and Syracuse N.y

    by Admin - Comments: 0 - Views: 33
  • 20230227
    Old News Archives Members Only 331424588_873533083937592_5925157946413594965_n.jpg?_nc_cat=111&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=730e14&_nc_ohc=L8aMwOO0nMsAX99rnl9&tn=OeNl1gVQ7mXq-Wiu&_nc_ht=scontent-ord5-2

    The Gates Police Department arrested Aaron-Jordan Laboy (31 years old from Rochester NY) after multiple calls last evening and early this morning for vehicle larcenies in the Howard Road area. Officers were alerted by residents...

    by Admin - Comments: 0 - Views: 84
  • 20230227
    Old News Archives Members Only 332581571_593579042230428_3940111246839350424_n.jpg?_nc_cat=100&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=730e14&_nc_ohc=6l_4PXonjncAX_6whoo&_nc_ht=scontent-ord5-2

    To All Stores in Gates Plz Watch out for this guy he a thief

    Perry Runion Arrest 7 time convicted felon arrest from 2/18/2023

    Mr Sticky Finger was arrested on petty larceny in the 4th degree after stealing over $2000.00 worth of ...

    by Admin - Comments: 0 - Views: 47
  • 20230227
    Old News Archives Members Only 333817735_220872620410946_3893910270840016174_n.jpg?_nc_cat=100&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=730e14&_nc_ohc=G0Q3HovCm6EAX8XOUS2&_nc_ht=scontent-ord5-2

    On Saturday February 25th a Gates Police Officer stopped a vehicle on Chili Avenue for an expired registration and excessive tint. Upon stopping the vehicle the driver was identified as Erich Schultz (30 years old from Rochester NY). While engaged in the...

    by Admin - Comments: 0 - Views: 45
  • 20230227
    Old News Archives Members Only 333820557_671838647963070_3887339065359959102_n.jpg?_nc_cat=106&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=730e14&_nc_ohc=R-XAhYjTdRIAX8vM01o&_nc_ht=scontent-ord5-2

    On Wednesday February 22nd a Gates Police Officer stopped a vehicle on Buell Road for failing to stop entering the roadway.  Upon stopping the vehicle the passenger was identified as Toriyan Brooks (23 years old from Rochester NY) as the officer recognized...

    by Admin - Comments: 0 - Views: 41
  • 20230227
    Old News Archives Members Only 332706015_505844418403471_6624552496439267245_n.jpg?stp=dst-jpg_p526x296&_nc_cat=109&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=8bfeb9&_nc_ohc=1hwpy9_FfxkAX_z83k7&_nc_ht=scontent-ord5-2

    Greece Police Department, New York

    ⚡Stephen Taddonio, age 39,...

    by Admin - Comments: 0 - Views: 66
  • 20230227
    This Next Story is going to shock you

    This is Frank G. He 31 year old male He texted my decoy account first, and continued to talk to me after knowing I was 16. I made it clear SEVERAL times.

    Frank had sent me pictures of his penis, and underwear.
    and had sexually charged conversations with what he thought was a minor.

    He didn’t even want to try to talk. He admitted to everything.

    Video Below Please if you know this guy plz share this and plaster him photo all over town

    by Admin - Comments: 0 - Views: 57
  • 20230227
    Old News Archives Members Only Armorc10

    Army columns of Gepards and HIMARS Multiple-Launch-Rocket-Systems (MLRS) are on the streets inside Romania, apparently headed towards the Moldova border.

    Romanian Army column of Gepards and a Himars

    Apparently headed towards the Moldovan border
    — Tony (@Cyberspec1) February 27, 2023

    This comes on the heels of an ORDER issued by government on January 31 informing Romanian men to " Immediate...

    by Admin - Comments: 0 - Views: 69
  • 20230227
    Former President Trump was right on the Money with this breaking news story And Guess what all you idiots who voted this bastards in you just put your own kids at risk to be Drafted in to the military as of today .I tried to warn you people but I guess you are too fucking stupid to listen but instead you listen to that liberal pussy Rob Reiner
    and the rest of these asshole

    So when you kids go there to fight there gonna come home in bodybags and you can only blame your selves for it so it sucks to be you.

    The former Prime Minister of Malaysia has now publicly warned...

    by Admin - Comments: 0 - Views: 63
  • 20230224
    Old News Archives Members Only Screen30
    This week was a hell week for some customers with the outage of the storm and an unexpected maintenance
    repairs being done. spectrum cable has announced that they will no longer be issuing credit for cable or internet or phone effective date of that announcement which none of us were told about back last year in June of 2022

    Some customers have complained about modem go offline and some have said these modem's are part of the problem one customer said he had his modem...

    by Admin - Comments: 0 - Views: 72
  • 20230210
    The United States, Norway and NATO have Committed an Act of War Against Russia

    During the final minutes of my radio show last night, I told my audience I wish I didn't know some of the things I know. Now, one of those things has become public: It was the United States that bombed Russia's Nord Stream 1 & 2 Pipelines in the Baltic Sea. Norway participated by flying-in a sonar buoy which gave off the Detonation Signal. NATO is an accessory, by willfully using BALTOPS 22 "Exercise" as a cover to plant the bombs. War is now likely.

    In an article written by long-time,...

    by Admin - Comments: 0 - Views: 78
  • 20230210
    People on the Hawaiian islands have noticed barrages of green laser light being fired down at them from space at night. Turns out, the lasers are coming from Chinese Satellites in space - on purpose.

    China claims they are scanning for "air pollution."

    Above the islands of Hawaii on January 28, a green laser was seen piercing the night sky, silently tracing a path towards the horizon like a stutter in the Matrix's code.

    The scene was caught on camera from a telescope atop Hawaii's tallest peak.

    You can check out Below

    by Admin - Comments: 0 - Views: 57
  • 20230210
    Beginning Thursday evening and continuing into Friday morning, Russia absolutely pounded Ukraine with military strikes across vast swaths of the country. City after city reported missile and drone strikes against many targets, primarily critical infrastructure such as electric power plants, sending many, MANY, areas of Ukraine into total darkness, and halting water service in many places as well.

    The attacks were so ferocious it lead people to ask where is Ukraine's air defenses? The response was telling: "Ukraine has almost no ammunition left, it runs out very quickly due to the...

    by Admin - Comments: 0 - Views: 70
  • 20230210

    Russia is changing its public nuclear weapons Doctrine as a result of "aggressive" actions by the United States, United Kingdom, NATO et. al. The new policy being developed now, will acknowledge the Untied States as a "Co-Belligerent" in the Ukraine war!

    Yesterday, it emerged in British media Ukraine is prepared to use British long-range missiles to strike the annexed peninsula of Crimea.

    Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky is pushing for the West to supply jets and longer-range missiles, warning that the war could 'stagnate' without them....

    by Admin - Comments: 0 - Views: 47
  • 20230205
    President Biden is a desgracia meaning a disgrace he allowed a china Balloon to fly over the united states for five days knowing full well they violated united states air space on top of that also put military on a dangerous path along with the danger of knowing where out electric grids are knowing where U.S military Weapon are and also putting American lives in danger not only that there another Balloon flying out Latin country like Puerto Rico Cuba and South American Mexico and Spain and these people may not wanna understand English you better start now because were posting this story to get...

    by Admin - Comments: 0 - Views: 54
  • 20230130
    Old News Archives Members Only 20230110 Meet a Chick with a dick who attempted to meet up with a child for sex We couldn't get his name but he is a transgender what we call is a chick with a dick and why do we call them this its because these transgenders are attempting to coerce your son or daughter into something they shouldn't be and shouldn't be taught in class in public in churches or anywhere for that matter.

    but you see this why our world is so fucked up right here the words tolerance and diversity are being...

    by Admin - Comments: 0 - Views: 57
  • 20230130
    Old News Archives Members Only 20230110

    Thomas Vance age 39 who attempted to meet a 14 year old child for sex and send pornographic photo of himself masturbating on video and then made suggested other sexual advances toward this minor.

    This is why I say it once and Ill say it again parents need to monitor there kids activities on line every day
    this why Democratic D.A Like Ernie From North Carolina doesn't do to protect our kids from online predators.and several other D.A who don't are about making...

    by Admin (D) - Comments: 0 - Views: 49
  • 20230126
    ROCHESTER, N.Y. — A registered sex offender from Rochester has pleaded guilty to possessing child pornography, the U.S. District Court of Western New York announced Thursday.

    Attorneys said that 36-year-old Mathew Schulman asked for sexually explicit photos from someone online who he thought was an 11-year-old girl, but was actually an undercover investigator from state police. According to U.S. Attorney Trini Ross, the investigator caught Schulman asking the girl to produce pornography and pressured her to meet him for sex between May 2021 and June 2022.

    Attorneys also...

    by Admin (D) - Comments: 0 - Views: 54
  • 20230126

    Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA) vowed revenge after House Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) indicated he would keep Schiff and Rep. Eric Swalwell (D-CA) off the House Intelligence Committee.

    “Kevin McCarthy just kicked me and @RepSwalwell off the Intelligence Committee. This is petty, political payback for investigating Donald Trump,” Schiff tweeted. “If he thinks this will stop me, he will soon find out just how wrong he is. I will always defend our democracy.”

    by Admin (D) - Comments: 0 - Views: 50
  • 20230124
    Back in October 2006 The owner and former owner of Bravehost Radio network remembers the flash back of 2006 involving a radio host> today they both settled there differences

    Feds 'evaluating' threats of assassinating Congress

    Statements by anti-Semitic white supremacist Hal Turner, who told his Internet audience he may just have to assassinate members of Congress if Americans return them to Washington in next week's election, are being evaluated for their "investigative value," according to the FBI.

    by Admin (D) - Comments: 0 - Views: 54
  • 20230124
    North Carolina D.a Wont prosecute Predator catchers evidence online and here why some states will not prosecute these cases.

    Ive been around law enforcement for a number of years and during the years Ive followed Chris Hansen to Catch a Predator show and what Chris was doing he was working with a credit meaning there licensed law enforcement officer
    who took the law degree in criminal law and a college and is certified in the law regarding sex offenders and predators.

    However these guys who do go...

    by Admin (D) - Comments: 0 - Views: 60
  • 20230124

    Last month Robert Fratta of Texas was Executed by lethal injection on January the 10th for him he wont be back to hurt another person again and this what need to be done to murderers in all states in my opinion.

    Scott Eizember of Oklahoma Executed back on January 12th 2023 for this guy he finally met his maker and the chamber of death and was executed by lethal injection too bad he didn't get the electric chair that would of been much faster for this murdering thug .

    and finally Scott McLaughlin...

    by Admin (D) - Comments: 0 - Views: 55

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