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In Michigan Register Sex Offender Attempted to meet a minor on Line

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In Michigan Register Sex Offender Attempted to meet a minor on Line  Empty In Michigan Register Sex Offender Attempted to meet a minor on Line

This story is about a sex offender who thought he was gonna meet a boy but instead met up with Detroit ped Patrol and was detained by Sheriff deputy but the Sheriff deputy let him know right off the bat how he felt about chomo and he wasn't afraid to say it.

I despise these assholes too I never liked them and never will my problem is we can put these guys on the sex offender registry but what really good about it? nothing the only reason I say this only because there but put on Lifetime probation especially the ones who are lever 3 predicated sex offenders or violent sex offender thats part of the problem.

Sex offender laws need to be changed to where your on lifetime probation for level 3 predicated or violent sex offender and if your a level 2 you should be on 30 probation after thirty years your no longer have to report as along as you haven't violated your probation during that time period if you have they should recommend another 30 years .

They also need to make the probation as follows

No Contact with minors under the age of 18
not allowed to congregate where children play
No social Media
No internet access allowed
No Computer
Order of protection Permanent (Life)
must maintain residents with a valid address
photo update yearly
License plat verification on all vehicles register in there name.
must go to sex courses
Participate with domestic violence
Alcohol treatment;
Mandatory sex offender counseling program
Mental Health referral
Not to frequent places selling alcohol
No Drugs
Drug Testing

Posts : 1078
Join date : 2021-11-21
Location : Rochester N.y


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In Michigan Register Sex Offender Attempted to meet a minor on Line :: Comments

Admin (D)

Post Thu Mar 16, 2023 12:32 pm by Admin (D)

Sick bastard
Rope around his neck would solve our problems with these sons of bitches.

I agree with your comments but still that's not gonna stop them they will just continue to do it.

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