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NYC SUBWAY SLAYINGS HIT 25-YEAR HIGH: Ridership is Down —But Murder is Way Up!

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NYC SUBWAY SLAYINGS HIT 25-YEAR HIGH: Ridership is Down —But Murder is Way  Empty NYC SUBWAY SLAYINGS HIT 25-YEAR HIGH: Ridership is Down —But Murder is Way Up!

My Editorial: Please Note if you live in NYS why don't you all stop voting these piece of shit democrats in office because whether or not these democrats want you to kill each other and there laughing at you they say they promise you this and that those promises are always broken . you know what they say to you when you vote democrat (suckers) that's what they are calling you suckers and the mainstream media wont tell you this they will lie right to your face and deny everything.you cant trust the main stream media like CNN and MSNBC its been going on for years and your falling for it stop being stupid people.

It’s bad down there.

According to a report from The New York Post, murders have skyrocketed in the New York City subway system —even as ridership has been on a sharp decline. Since 1997 there have never been more than 5 subway murders in a year.

That’s no longer the case.

From The New York Post:

Since 1997, the earliest data The Post was able to access, there had never been more than five subway murders in a single year until the COVID-19 pandemic struck in 2020 and brought that number up to six for the first time in decades.

The next year, murders shot up to eight. So far in 2022, there have already been seven killings.

Together with 2020’s toll, that’s 21 slayings — which is more murders than the transit system saw between 2008 and 2019 combined.

“It used to be ‘I know if I don’t go to this neighborhood, I will be safe,’ but today you don’t have that,” said Professor Maria Haberfeld from CUNY’s John Jay College of Criminal, a former lieutenant in the Israel National Police.

“You can take the subway anywhere at any time of day, in broad daylight, and there is no guarantee of safety,” she told The Post.

Amy Alkon
Oct 12, 2022

"A Manhattan straphanger was slashed & pepper-sprayed by a spurned panhandler early Wednesday, cops said. ... When the rider refused to hand over any cash, the suspect pepper-sprayed him & cut him on the right arm" w/a knife.
Killings in NYC subway system skyrocket to highest level in 25 years — even as ridership plummeted
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Age : 53
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