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Breaking Facebook Set for $195 Billion Wipeout, Biggest in Market History

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Breaking Facebook Set for $195 Billion Wipeout, Biggest in Market History  Empty Breaking Facebook Set for $195 Billion Wipeout, Biggest in Market History

Last night, the stock value of FACEBOOK owner, now called "Meta" plunged 24% in U.S. trading Thursday on the back of poor earnings results, putting it on track to erase more than $200 billion. At current levels, that’s the biggest collapse in market value for any U.S. company.

Analysts are bleak in their assessments, pointing out that Meta faces stiff competition from rivals like Tiktok and revenue was far lower than expected. Michael Nathanson, an analyst at brokerage Moffett Nathanson, titled his note “Facebook: The Beginning of the End?”

Of course, anyone who uses FACEBOOK knows why this is happening: Censorship.

FACEBOOK has become almost obsessive in censoring any posting, group, or political view, the radical left-wingers employed at that company, disagree with. It is common nowadays for FACEBOOK to wipe out groups like American Freedom Convoy, which was shut down yesterday despite having 137,000 members.

When you take an action that tells 137,000 good, decent, people that THEY cannot talk about a particular issue, a lot of them get angry. Some of them leave the service and now, this has happened so many times, to so many people, it is adversely affecting Face Book's profitability.

Now, left-wingers are not the brightest bulbs in the chain. They may not see that their high-handed censorship is alienating so many people, that the company is now suffering over it. For those few left-wingers who might (emphasis "might") be bright enough to realize it is they who are harming the company, most will say "it's worth it."

Left-wingers prioritize views and opinions over profits; which inevitably leads to the demise of companies infested with such people. Hence the saying "Get woke, go broke."

Whether FACEBOOK puts a stop to its rampant censorship or not remains to be seen. One thing, however, is crystal clear: The company has reached a turning point and unless they halt their destructive censorship, their revenues and stock value will continue to plunge. Stockholders would do well to think about how this might affect them should they make what I personally view as a mistake, by holding onto the stock. If I owned Meta stocks (which I do not) I would get the heck out right now.

Admin (D) Comments: I think all the stock holders to take there money and invest it into something worth more than Facebook as you all know the Owner of Facebook is a known as a terrorist supporter of Black Lives Matter and Antifa which he allows them free rein of Facebook while people like me was banned for reporters the truth about Joe Biden Son Lap top Computer with Child Porn on it and images of him naked in the tube with children around him and his son was dishonorably discharge from the military

Now Justin Trudeau is a known racist who painted his face to look like a back man on black history month 2 years ago Image Below

Breaking Facebook Set for $195 Billion Wipeout, Biggest in Market History  Justin10
Admin (D)
Admin (D)

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Join date : 2021-11-21
Age : 53
Location : Atlanta G.A

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