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Well-Connected Economist Admits US Elections are all RIGGED; Donald Trump may not "Be ALLOWED" to Become President Again

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US Elections are all RIGGED; Donald Trump may not Be ALLOWED to Win Empty Well-Connected Economist Admits US Elections are all RIGGED; Donald Trump may not "Be ALLOWED" to Become President Again

According the Economist Eric Weinstein, the ENTIRE American election system is setup to "prune" populist candidates through Primary Elections, to make certain both party Candidates are acceptable to the International Rules-Based Order. Our election system thereby provides only the "illusion" of Democracy, because both party candidates become a "magicians choice" . . . "Pick a card, any card" but the magician always knows what card it is, because the people cannot be trusted to decide.

Eric Weinstein is, by any measure, a "power player" in matters financial and political. He is presently the Managing Director of Peter Thiel's "Theil Capital" of San Francisco. You remember Peter Thiel, don't you? He was on stage at the 2016 Republican National Convention where he announced he is proud to be a Gay Republican.

Weinstein did his PhD thesis at Harvard University in 1992 and taught at Oxford. By any measure, this is a very educated man, who is very connected in finance and big money as Managing Director of Thiel Capital. So when he speaks, he does so from real knowledge; knowledge that only "Insiders" actually possess. What he said in a recent Podcast, is utterly staggering:

"I don't know that Donald Trump will be allowed to become President (again)."

Weinstein then goes on to explain the REAL situation behind each and every national American Election: "The illusion of Democracy."

He makes clear the American people do not have a real choice in elections. They get a "Magicians Choice" . . . . pick a candidate, any candidate" but the "Magician" (the real powers-that-be of the Rules-Based International Order), know that whichever candidate is chosen, that person will be someone acceptable to the Order, who will not upset the agreements and alliances that are long in-place.

Weinstein explains that, for decades, there have been agreements and alliances, designed to prevent war, and keep markets functioning. He says "those agreements and alliances are fragile" and can be upset or overturned by a President who disagrees with them.

So the powers-that-be cannot allow the public to choose a President that might upset things like NAFTA (North American Free Trade Agreement) or NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization). In Weinstein's words, "the public cannot be allowed to decide through a plebiscite every four years."

In the Podcast below, Weinstein is asked what he meant when he said "I don't know whether Donald Trump will be allowed to become President."

Weinstein goes on to then blow the lid off our reality. He says:

"I think there's a remarkable story, and that we're in a funny game; that is, are we allowed to say what that story is, because to say it, to analyze it, to name it, is to to bring it into view.

I think we don't understand why the Censorship is behaving the way it is. We don't understand why it's in the shadows. We don't understand why our News is acting in a bizarre fashion. So let's just set the stage . . .

There is something, that I think Mike Benz has just referred-to as the Rules Based International Order. It's an interlocking series of Agreements, Tacit Understandings, Explicit Understandings, Clandestine Understandings, about how the most important structures keep the world free of war and keep markets open.

And there has been a system in-place, whether understood explicitly or behind the scenes, or implicitly, that says that the purpose of the two American parties is to prune the field of populist candidates, so that whatever two candidates exist in a face-off, are both acceptable to that world order.

So what you're trying to do from the point of view . . . let's take it form the point of view of the State Department, the Intelligence Community, the Defense Department, and major Corporations that have to do with International issues from Arms Trade to food.

They have a series of Agreements that are fragile, and could be overturned, if a President entered the Oval Office who didn't agree with them, and the mood of the country was "Why do we pay taxes into these structures, why are we hamstrung, why aren't we a free people?"

So what the two Parties would do is they would run Primaries. You have a Populist Candidates and you PRE-COMMIT THE POPULIST CANDIDATES TO SUPPORT THE CANDIDATES WHO WON THE PRIMARIES.

As long as that took place, and you had two candidates that were both acceptable to the International Order; that is, they aren't going to re-think NAFTA or NATO, or what have you.

We CALLED that "Democracy."

And so "Democracy" was the illusion of choice, what's called a "Magician's Choice" where the choice is not actually (a choice). You know, pick a card, any card, but somehow the Magician makes sure that the card you pick is the one he knows.

In that situation, you have Magician's Choice in the Primaries, and then you'd have the Duopoly Field. two candidates, either of which was acceptable, and you can actually afford to hold an election. And the populace would vote.

And that way, the International Order was not put at risk every four years.

Because you can't have Alliances that are subject to the whim of people, in plebiscites.

So, under that structure, everything was going fine until 2016. And then, the first candidate ever, to not hold any position in the military, nor position in government, in the history of the Republic, Donald Trump, broke through the Primary structure.

So then there was a full court Press: We only have one candidate that's acceptable to the International Order. Donald Trump will be under CONSTANT Pressure that he is a Loser, he's a Wild Man, he's an Idiot and, he's under control of the Russians and then, he was going to be a twenty-to-one underdog. Then he wins!

And there was no precedent for this.

They learned their lesson: You cannot afford to have candidates who are not acceptable to the International Order, and continue to have these Alliances. This is an unsolved problem."

So there you have it. For our ENTIRE LIVES, we have been fooled, played, and outright defrauded by the Election System. All of it done very deliberately, by people who think their "International Rules-Based Order" is more important than YOUR freedom and your right to be governed according to YOUR needs, wants, and desires.

When you stop to look at what has taken place, you walk away with an understanding that the people doing this are so arrogant, so cunning, so vicious, so determined to have THEIR OWN WAY, that once Donald Trump won the Presidency, they intentionally made every effort to distract, obstruct, and neutralize his Presidency. I dare say there wasn't a single day when Trump was not under some sort of political attack.

I also believe they even went so far as to DELIBERATELY rebrand the seasonal flu, calling COVID-19, with the intent to cause mail-in voting, which they could then exploit, to literally STEAL the Presidency, so as to maintain what THEY want for the world!

And I believe that when they unleashed the rebranded seasonal flu, calling it COVID, they used THAT to exploit their belief there are too many people in this world, so they could inject you with what they CALLED a "vaccine" that would depress your immune system, making you vulnerable to more sickness and cancer, and to make young people less fertile - or outright infertile - to reduce population.

So they not only got to STEAL the US Presidency, they also got to reduce population and birth rates using experimental genetic therapy masquerading as a "vaccine."

THAT is how utterly evil, cunning, and vicious these people actually are.

But it got worse.

When it became clear that the country KNEW the 2020 election was stolen, these same people got together to literally RIG the January 6 Congressional Joint Session, so as to rubber-stamp the phony election - and thereby install an ILLEGITIMATE President, Joe Biden.

By rubber-stamping the stolen election, Congress de-legitimized itself! They all knew it.

When the American people stormed into the US Capital, the sissy-Marys in Congress, hid in their offices and barred the doors! A heck of aa thing to do when their Landlord - the American people who designed, built, and pay for their Capital building - came calling.

Then, those same sissies in Congress, started screeching the Americans who came were in "Insurrection."

There was no insurrection; the Americans who came didn't bring guns. They didn't drag members of Congress out by their hair and hang them from nearby lamp posts. They didn't cut their heads off on the steps of the Capital. ( A lot of people think that it was too bad it didn't happen, in hindsight.)

But, to the girlie-men political class, it was "an insurrection" nonetheless!

Then, we watched as these arrogant, cunning, vicious people wrecked our entire federal court system. Lawsuits were filed over the stolen election. Each and EVERY SINGLE ONE was dismissed without ever being allowed to get to the evidence phase.

By doing what was done, the ENTIRE U.S. federal court system invalidated itself. They showed themselves to be a complete sham.

From that time forward, we have had, in these united states, an illegitimate President and Vice President, an illegitimate Congress (both Houses) and an illegitimate Judiciary. The ENTIRE federal government is illegitimate.

Do they have power? Yes. Are they using it? YES. Are they legitimate? No.

And why should they be? They all KNOW the election system that put them there, was illegitimate from gitgo. They KNOW they got into office illegitimately, through a fully rigged - top-to-bottom - election system. The only poor slobs who haven't known for decades, were you and me.

As it became clear that Donald Trump would run again, this entire class of people and their International Rules-Based Order, went even farther. Lawfare. (i.e. warfare by legal process)

These political scumbags, at both the federal AND STATE levels, got their useful idiot Prosecutors to bring criminal charges against Americans who dared to walk into their own US Capital Building, or who accused state officials of election fraud. The Landlord came calling, and the Tenants had him (them) arrested and imprisoned for going into their own U.S. Capital property!

They brought more charges and also Civil Lawsuits against Americans who pointed out the voting fraud that was seen and recorded on video cameras, Bankrupting the people who pointed out the election fraud.

They then went after Trump himself. Two filthy, corrupt states, New York, and Georgia, brought completely illegitimate legal cases against Trump and in New York, the nitwits of the state jury were told by the state judge that THEY could find as a fact, that an uncharged, unindicted, unprosecuted FEDERAL crime took place, thereby making the state charges a felony. As a matter of law, a state trial jury CANNOT find as a fact, that a federal crime took place. Only a properly seated, and properly charged federal jury, instructed by a federal judge, can make such a finding of fact.

But New York went ahead and did exactly that anyway, and convicted Trump! The case and the conviction are completely illegitimate.

And this does not even factor-in that the New York State Judge, Juan Merchan, has a daughter who was suddenly being paid millions of dollars by Democrat politician campaigns, for political consulting, while the Trump trial was ongoing! The cash flowed-in to the Judges daughter's company! Gee, it isn't hard to think what those millions of dollars may have actually been buying: a Trump conviction!

When that proved to be legally shaky, what came next? A bullet. Fired at Trump's head, in Butler, PA.

Had Donald Trump not turned his head to look at a nearby video screen during his campaign rally, the bullet fired at his head would have gone in near the back of his skull, and ripped the back of his skull off as it ripped out his brain.

THAT is how vicious these "International Rules-Based Order" people seem to me, to be. They seem willing to outright murder.

So what we now know, and we ALL know it, is that the Election System is utterly rigged right from gitgo. The results of the elections are not valid.

The people who oversee those elections (Congress in particular) are willing to rubber-stamp a visibly fraudulent election. They are willing to install illegitimate candidates.

They are willing to criminally prosecute people who object, or Bankrupt those people with Civil Lawsuits.

They are willing to outright MURDER to prevent a legitimate candidate from being in the election again.

And now, one of the folks who has insider info, Eric Weinstein, has opened the door into the "magician's choice" we've had for decades, as we went innocently off to cast our votes, none of which actually mattered.

Folks, we've got a problem.

And this problem is not going away on its own.

This problem is going to have to be confronted; and confronted in the only way they will actually understand.

Not by voting. Not by suing. Not by protesting. None of that works.

This problem is going to have to be confronted directly.

It will likely have to be ugly.

If Eric Weinstein is willing to openly say "I'm not sure Donald Trump will be allowed to be President (again)" then it seems possible - at least to me - that Congress may decide, when they gather jointly again on January 6, to refuse to allow Trump in,even if he wins re-election.

They may say that Trump is ineligible under the insurrection clause of the Constitution! An Insurrection that did not take place, and for which Trump was Impeached but acquitted.

The other possibility is that the New York State Judge may Sentence Trump to jail on September 18, and order him jailed to Riker's Island immediately, right there in the courtroom.

National Guard and federal troops are already being seen on the streets of Manhattan, weeks prior to the Sentencing.

So there may have to be an actual fight, very VERY soon.

Now that you know you've been defrauded all your life by a rigged election system; now that you know the International Rules-Based Order, that you didn't vote for, is controlling our nation; now that you know the President, the Congress, the courts, are all illegitimate; now that you know the people doing these things are willing to fraudulently prosecute, imprison, and even try to KILL to get their way, I ask simply: What are YOU willing to do?

This is the situation we now find ourselves in. What are YOU willing to do about it?

Are you going to be a free citizen of a Constitutional Republic, or are you going to be a patsy slave for the International Rules-Based Order?
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Join date : 2021-11-21
Age : 53
Location : Atlanta G.A

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