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Preparing for WW3: U.S. F-35's Land and Takeoff from . . . . PUBLIC ROAD . . . in Finland

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Preparing for WW3: U.S. F-35's Land and Takeoff from PUBLIC ROAD in Finland Empty Preparing for WW3: U.S. F-35's Land and Takeoff from . . . . PUBLIC ROAD . . . in Finland

The United States Air Force landed two F-35A fighter jets on a highway in Finland this week to "practice how aircraft might operate in a high-intensity future war." They do this when they think bases with runways will already have been bombed out of existence.

The F-35s, which were from the 48th Fighter Wing at RAF Lakenheath in England, carried out the landings on the Hosio Highway Strip in Ranua, Finland, under the so-called agile combat employment, or ACE, concept. It was the first time the Air Force had landed its F-35s on a highway, the service said. Some of the landings and takeoffs of these fighter jets, can be seen in the video below:

The Air Force worries that if war breaks out with an adversary boasting stand-off weaponry, like Russia or China, their military could target large American bases in places like western Europe, Japan, and Guam, with missile barrages or other attacks. If the Air Force only operated from those bases, a series of those attacks could potentially devastate its ability to launch aircraft.

The service developed the ACE concept to counter that possibility. The Air Force plans to spread out operations across a given region in “hub and spoke” patterns, using a series of smaller, more austere bases. By dispersing these operations, the Air Force says, enemy forces would have to carry out many more attacks than if they were centralized.

Under ACE, the Air Force could create rough air fields for their distributed bases, or use existing local highways as runways.

The Air Force said the highway landings in Finland showed how NATO allies had improved their ability to work together, and operate under ACE tenets.

“The successful first-ever landing of our fifth-generation F-35 on a highway in Europe is a testament to the growing relationship and close interoperability we have with our Finnish allies,” Gen. James Hecker, commander of U.S. Air Forces in Europe-Air Forces Africa, said. “The opportunity to learn from our Finnish counterparts improves our ability to rapidly deploy and employ airpower from unconventional locations and reflects the collective readiness and the agility of our forces.”

Finland and other Nordic nations have military-civilian integration, like warplanes using highways, baked into their national defense calculus.

Allied aircraft that also practiced highway landings included a German Eurofighter Typhoon and a Finnish Hawk jet trainer.

Finland formally joined NATO in 2023, spurred largely by Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. The Air Force said Finland’s membership has increased U.S. airmen’s ability to train with Finnish airmen and learn from them, at events such as the 1v1 air superiority exercise held in June at Ramstein Air Base in Germany.

So intent is the US and NATO to go to war with Russia, they have now begun landing aircraft on Highways in Finland because they know - to an absolute certainty - that all their bases in Europe will likely be blown to smithereens if open war commences with Russia.

Anyone who has been paying attention to the lead-up to the Russia-Ukraine Conflict, and the aggressive and dangerous escalations undertaken by the US and NATO since that conflict erupted, can see that the US, Europe/NATO absolutely INTEND to cause World War 3, and now they're openly exercising how to wage that war once all their bases are blown up by the Russians!

A lot of Americans and Europeans have no idea AT ALL, how serious the developments in the Russia-Ukraine conflict have become; so serious that we are literally standing on a precipice, overlooking the abyss of nuclear World War 3.

The American and European mass media have been deliberately quiet about the ongoing escalations. If and when WW3 openly erupts (it has erupted quietly already) Americans and Europeans will be totally blind-sided, frightened, and thereby easily controllable by the psychotic monsters in the US federal government, who are literally causing all this trouble intentionally.

Lest you think this is some noble effort to "protect freedom of Ukraine" let me show you a thirty second video of US Senator Lindsay Graham, speaking with Ukraine's Volodymyr Zelensky this past week, at Ramstein Air Base in Germany. Graham makes clear what this conflict is __actually __ about: "A trillion dollars worth of minerals" inside Ukraine that can "help our economy."

It's about . . . money. That's it. Lock, stock, and barrel.

Over ONE MILLION Ukrainian military are already dead or injured in the three years the fighting has gone on. A lower number of Russians are also dead. All so that Lindsay Graham and the US can grab "a Trillion dollars in minerals." That's the level of mental sickness that now infests the US Government.

They shroud it in euphemisms like "protecting the territorial integrity of Ukraine" . . . which is not the role or the business of the United States. But nonetheless, they are abusing governments and people all over the world.

The righteous might of the American people was NEVER supposed to be used the way our present federal government is using it. Overthrowing governments, grabbing natural resources. This is theft, pure and simple.

Our government are being Gangsters on the world stage - abusing countries all over the world with threats of "US Sanctions" if they don't adopt the sick LGBTQ agenda, legalize "Trans" freaks and the like. Most of the world sees our government for exactly what it is and they're sick of us.

That's why so many nations around the world are beginning to "de-Dollarize" and move away from the US Dollar as the world's Reserve Currency. If they don't use the Dollar, they can't suffer economic sanctions by the US. They'll be free to trade with the world, and not be pressured by the US.

But the US won't stop. It is now to the point, where we are literally trying to start World War 3 with Russia, and to that end, they are now practicing landing Fighter Jets on highways in Finland because they know our bases are going to be blown up by the Russians.

A lot of you Readers have IGNORED the ongoing developments in the Russia-Ukraine war, foolishly thinking it doesn't affect us, here, in the USA. But just last week Russia explicitly told the US and Europe "If long-range weapons (from the West) are used by Ukraine to hit deep inside Russia, it will affect both sides of the Atlantic."

They're telling us outright, we will be hit. HERE. INSIDE the USA!

So to those of you with your head in the sand, who think "nothing will happen" you'd better start preparing with Emergency food, water, medicines you need to live on. A Generator to power your refrigerator and keep your food from spoiling. Fuel for that generator. Flashlights, portable radios for news and info. A First Aid kit for cuts, bruises or . . . . war injuries. Communications gear like CB or HAM radio for use when phones, internet and the like all go offline from the war. Cash money in the house because banks, ATM's and Credit/Debit cards will all be OFFLINE.

If you do not have the things mentioned above when the war breaks out, you will be S.O.L.

Many people are telling me the feds HAVE to start this war before Election Day. They say the feds know Donald Trump is very likely to win election and he will put a stop to all this; so they HAVE to start the trouble BFORE he gets into office.

If they are right, we have less than 60 days to get ready. Maybe a LOT less.
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Join date : 2021-11-21
Age : 53
Location : Atlanta G.A

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